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Wynncliff, Inc
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Submission Time | Camper First Name | Camper Last Name | Primary Contact Name | Primary Contact Email | Primary Contact Phone | Secondary Contact Name | CourseChoice2 | CourseChoice1 | T-shirt size | Address 2 | Country | Postal / Zip code | Region/State/Province | City | Street Address | Add answer here | Add answer here 2 | Street Address Line 2 | Primary Contact Relationship | Secondary Contact Email | Secondary Contact Phone | Payment ID | Scholarship donation amount: | I would like to include a donation to the scholarship fund with my deposit. | Your Signature | Enter total online payment (minimum is $50 for deposit). Please be sure to include any scholarship donation amount entered above) then click Proceed t | I would like to pay by check | Payment Method | Add answer here | c/o John Iannitello | 1416 Michigan Ave. | Manitowoc, WI 54220 | for minimum $50 down payment (plus any desired scholarship fund donation). Please put camper name(s) in memo line. Spots are not reserved until | Wynncliff, Inc. | copy of Make check payable to Wynncliff, Inc. for minimum $50 down payment (plus any desired scholarship fund donation). Please put camper name(s) in memo | Make check payable to: | Wynncliff, Inc. | Make check payable to Wynncliff, Inc. for minimum $50 down payment (plus any desired scholarship fund donation). Please put camper name(s) in memo lin | Camp Wynncliff | c/o John Iannitello | 1416 Michigan Ave. | Manitowoc, WI 54220 | Camper birthdate | Notes |
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